positive thinking exercises

Positive Thinking Exercises – How you can Change the Way you Think Overnight

Tired of feeling like the world is weighing you down? If you’re struggling to change how you perceive the world around you, it’s time that you get started on some effective positive thinking exercises. Studies show that people who have a positive outlook towards life are not only more happy and content about their lives, but they are also able to handle challenges in a much healthier manner. Positive attitude activities will not only improve your overall mood, but can also help you enrich your life in ways that you never expect. Where negative thinking activities which will hold you back and reduce your ability to enjoy a rich and forfilling life.

Positive Thinking Exercises #1 Open your Mind

The first step to developing a positive attitude is to open your mind to Positive Thinking Activities and be more aware of your surroundings. Learn to listen to other people’s perspectives and try to understand where they’re coming from. If you’re too set on your own ways, there’s a chance that you’ll get stuck in your own belief system and thus, not be aware of other ideas that surround you. Don’t just write off new ideas just because they seem too far fetched or impossible to achieve. With an open mind, you’ll start to see that there are endless possibilities before you.

Positive Thinking Exercises #2 List down 10 Things you’re Grateful for Everyday

Another easy way to have a positive mind through positive thinking exercises is by listing down at least 10 things that you’re grateful for each day. Developing an optimistic outlook is no’t something that will just come naturally overnight. It requires constant practice so it’s important that find time for this activity every day. You don’t necessarily have to list big and over the top things, since even the littlest things can suffice. Whether it’s a sunny day, or a surprise pie made by a loved one, having something to be grateful for can help you change the way you see yourself and your life overall.

Positive Thinking Exercises #3 Learn to Meditate Daily

Last but not the least, make sure that you find time to meditate daily. Meditation can be an effective means to not just clear your head of negativity, but also be a way for you to feel better physically. You don’t have to be a spiritual person to be able to meditate. It’s as simple as finding a quiet spot where you can do some quiet thinking for yourself. If you’re a morning person, start your meditation session by taking a quiet long walk before everyone else awakes. If you’re a night person on the other hand, you can also meditate by sitting in a quiet room, free of distractions and just be alone with your thoughts. Once you get the hang of meditating daily, you’ll be more in tune with yourself and be more open to positive thinking. There are countless meditation techniques that you can use. It’s just a matter of finding the right one for you.

In order to successfully pull off these positive thinking exercises, it’s important that you free yourself from inhibiting thoughts and ideas. Set your sights towards a much more optimistic approach to life and you’ll feel like a brand new person in no time. Use these Positive Thinking Techniques to boost your self-esteem and start living the life you dreamed of.

Positive Thinking Exercises #4  Free Self-Esteem Exercises With Affirmations

Rocketing your Self Esteem

Nobody is perfect. There are as much positive traits in us as there are flaws. Focus on what you can do well, cultivate it and make it a part of your everyday. Thinking about your faults will hold you back. Just go for it — so what if you fail? Failures strengthen you. The stronger you become, the better the way you look at yourself will be. Use the following affirmations and see how your self esteem rockets.

  • My self-esteem increases every day
  • I accept every aspect of myself
  • I think positive thoughts of myself
  • I am confident in myself
  • I have endless confidence in myself
  • I am limitless in my abilities
  • I can do anything
  • My self-esteem is very high
  • My self-esteem is infinite
  • I attain everything I want
  • I accept myself as I am
  • I love myself as I am
  • I believe in myself
  • I know who I am
  • I know my abilities
  • I speak positively of myself
  • I am a beautiful and wonderful child of a beautiful and wonderful creative force.

To purchase the Positive Thinking Exercises MP3 Audio go to:


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