My passengers say they feel completely safe with me at the wheel.
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Join the likes of Louise Hay, Anthony Robbins, Deepak Chopra and Millions of Other’s who have Discovered the Power of Affirmations. Each issue contains powerful sample affirmations that have been tested and proven to get results!
Whatever your goals in life, AffirmWare’s “Affirmations For The Mind” Mini-Course can help you reach them.
Every one of its pages is packed with practical suggestions. The Mini-Course covers everyday situations in clear no-nonsense English and gives dozens of pointers to help you achieve your goals. And if you’re new to Affirmations the Mini-Course takes you through a “correct elements” checklist for ensuring maximum effectiveness. The Mini-Course comes with no obligation, It’s simply our way of giving back to the community.
All affirmations are sourced from: